Issues installing tvOS 17 beta 1

I am unable to install tvOS 17 beta 1. I have beta update on for tvOS 17 developer beta but when I try to install it, it looks like it’s installing but when the process it complete the Apple tv is still on 16.5. I have an Apple TV 4K from 2021

Hi, which Xcode are you running tvOS 17 beta 1 with? It will work with Xcode 15 Beta, and not the previous released Xcodes.

I was just trying to install the beta through software update without xcode

Yeah, same here. I've tried both methods - through Apple Config and direct software update with no luck utilising 4K Gen 2.

Well I guess beta 2 might fix this.

On my 4K Gen 1 Apple TV:

  • I installed the profile using Apple Configurator
  • I restarted the Apple TV
  • Go to the Settings - Software Updates and Turn off "Get beta updates"

By following this steps, I managed to install tvOS 17

I have the same behavior when trying to install iOS 17 developer beta to my iPhone 14 Pro Max. No idea what's the issue.

I have the Apple TV 4K first generation been trying to install tvos 17 beta 1, the updates seems to working then after completion it shows 16.5. Any help?

I found out the solution, Reset the apple tv and then sign in apple developer account the beta will appear continue with installation of tvos 17 beta. the process worked for on apple tv 4k first generation.


first you want to update your tvOS to 16.6 from 16.5 so to do that

first click on beta updates -> tvOS 16 public beta -> let it update -> now ur tvOS is 16.6

Then what you wanna do is

beta update-> tvOS 17 public/dev beta -> let it install -> congrats you now have tvOS 17.

It worked for me. Simple yet complicated fix.

Let me know if it worked. Cheers !

Issues installing tvOS 17 beta 1